Speaker: UU Utica Inclusion Team

Living LGBTQIA on Valentine’s Day

As Valentine’s Day approaches, we recognize the asexual, aromantic, and other LGBTQIA+ people who live among us, often unnoticed. Members of UUUtica’s Inclusion Team will share their knowledge and speak to their experiences of love under the queer umbrella.

National Coming Out Day

On this October 11, National Coming Out Day will continue to raise awareness for individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community, educating people to combat homophobia and foster a world of inclusivity, equity, and compassion. On this day, many people who identify as LGBTQIA+ will “come out” … read more.

From Silence to Action

Each year, students and allies honor and observe a Day of Silence to protest harassment and discrimination of LGBTQ youth in schools and educational spaces. We recognize last Friday’s Day of Silence by taking a collective breath of intentional, active silence. But what happens tomorrow? … read more.

Stories Call Us Forward

We work toward building Beloved Community and practice radical inclusion, we must open our hearts to the stories around us. On this National Coming Out Day, let us listen to the stories from LGBTQ+ members of our congregation and UUs. Each of us may learn … read more.