Urban Tree Project
Click Here for the Application and Click Here for Types of Trees offered
Ways to fill out the application:
- This is a fillable form. Please download it to your computer, save it, and type in the answers including the signature unless you have a digital one. If you have trouble with the signature part, skip it. Send the filled application back as an attachment to jillk@cabvi.org.
- Those who are filling out with pen should download and print the application. It can be returned by mailing it to the Rotary Club of Utica, PO Box 8586, Utica NY 13505
- You can also download the form, print it out, fill it out, take a photo and text it to 315-351-2951.
- This form can also be downloaded, printed, filled out, and scanned, then emailed as an attachment to jillk@cabvi.org
The Urban Tree Project is a cooperative program of The Utica Rotary Club,The Climate Action Team of The Unitarian Universalist Church of Utica,and the City of Utica Parks Department.
This program offers trees to be planted between the street and the sidewalk in the City of Utica only. The idea of restoring trees to Utica neighborhoods came from the Climate Action Team of UU Utica. So many news articles pointed to restoration of urban trees as a healing, protective, and money-saving action. To help with costs and planting work, Climate Action Coordinator Barbara Freeman (a Rotarian) reached out to The Rotary Club of Utica, which enthusiastically embraced the project, committing money and personnel to plant the trees.
BREAKING NEWS: Urban Tree Project WKTV News Coverage
The Climate Action Team has researched local trees, produced tree pictures & descriptions from which to choose a 1st and 2nd choice tree, contacted residents by phone & by mail, procured recycled pails for continuous drip watering from the Solid Waste Authority & works troubleshooting tree problems. They can be contacted at 315-351-2591.
The City of Utica assesses planting sites (overhead & below ground), augers holes, and stores trees until planting.
For UU Utica, this project meets our 7th principle goal of being a part of the interdependent web of life, as well as helping our neighbors, and is also an opportunity to meet Utica folks outside of our congregation. We learned that the “right tree for the right spot” was a key to success!