Month: April 2019


Recently the Climate Action Sub-Committee researched alternative energy electricity providers for customers of National Grid. NYS law requires utilities to allow their customers to choose a different supply source even while National Grid delivers that supply and charges for delivery. The price for supply is … read more.

Springtime Things

Every year at this time we have a chance to donate money for Easter flowers before they are taken to our shut-ins. We usually have some leftover money to also do Christmas gifts too. Donations may be given to Phyllis Brockley or Dianne Cronauer. Thanks … read more.

News from the Stewardship Task Forcwe

The Stewardship pledge drive has been very successful thanks to the generosity of the members and friends of our church. Currently our total pledges for next year stand at $91,360 with several pledges still outstanding. This is a full 10 percent beyond our initial goal … read more.