Speaker: Rev. Karen Brammer

Liberation from Guilt

Religions have used guilt for centuries to cause people to comply – much to the destruction of free spirits. Too often we inflict guilt on ourselves through regrets and shame which effectively bends our behavior and our hearts. We’ll talk about whether guilt can ever … read more.

Fire in the Belly

Unitarian Universalists claim to cultivate open minds, loving hearts and giving hands or a more loving and just world. What does it take to move our collective dreams and yearnings into active care and turning dreams into realities? “Fire in the Belly” is a powerful … read more.

What might UU Identity look like?

Unitarian Universalism welcomes a diversity of life- experiences, focuses on building community, and encourages differences in truth and meaning. With this variety, are there possible common threads to claim as UU identities?

Recovery and No Control

Rev. Karen shares two thoughts about rebuilding capacity after heart surgery. The first is to “Breathe. Now breathe deeper, even if it hurts.” The second comes under the category of “Say it and hopefully I’ll come to believe it.”  Another exercise in Unitarian Universalist faith … read more.

Christmas Eve service

Traditions celebrated at Christmas Eve and all holidays and Holy Days can ignite shared meaning, kindle hope, and reawaken dreams. This celebration of Christmas creates a loving space for the many ways we care for one another and ourselves through life’s darker seasons. Come celebrate our candle light … read more.

Climate Justice Equals Community Care

The Saturday before this service the Unitarian Universalist Church of Utica joins more than 350 other UU congregations in workshops and projects to heal climate in partnership with those most impacted by climate change. This Sunday service acknowledges how difficult the current reality is as … read more.

“We the People”

Unitarian Universalism sprang from ancient stirrings and deep desires for freedom of religion. September 8 is the start of a new church year as we celebrate this freedom and recommit ourselves to the responsibility of democracy within our faith and beyond. We come together with … read more.

Be Like a Tree 

A surprising number of Unitarian Universalists find their spiritual grounding in nature, and in particular, through connection to trees. It is exciting to learn how science continues to empirically prove things about trees that many poets, children and spiritual guides have known for millennia. We’ll … read more.