Speaker: Rev. Karen Brammer

Path Where There is None: Prayer

Prayer is not universally practiced by Unitarian Universalists, but many of us are co-creating practices that help us go deeper, stay still, or move forward when we don’t necessarily know what’s next. A good practice for today’s world.

Beginning Again

The first of the two-step process called a “Congregational Start-Up” takes place on Sept 24 with help from UUA staff person Rev Evin Carvil Ziemer. Sharing and integrating congregational priorities and dreams is our desired community outcome. This service will be Rev Karen’s reflections from … read more.


The ritual of bringing water from places we have been and loved is one that binds us together, reminding us we belong not only to each other, but to Earth. The power to draw one another into the circle, or define that circle close in … read more.


“Interconnections” is almost a buzz word nowadays. We hear it in relation to justice, natural/environmental and human-designed systems, humanity itself and much more. Interconnection is the seventh of our Unitarian Universalist principles. This service will help us bring texture and meaning to the word as … read more.


The necessity of fallow time and renewal is built into so much of the natural world. Building that wisdom into our lives seems only right. If our lives are ordinarily driven by pressures to accomplish goals or fill space, what in our faith tradition can … read more.

Church Picnic!

They say that food always tastes better outdoors so please come to UU Utica on Sunday, July 17  from 12 to 2 PM for an all church potluck picnic.  We’ll celebrate Summer and break bread with Rev. Karen in lieu of morning services.  Children are … read more.

Types of Spirituality

Service with our minister, Rev. Karen Brammer. Many Unitarian Universalists would say their spirituality is open to change, or not yet defined. There are multiple ways to explore how our spiritual identities differ and align. This service uses the framework developed in Finding your Spiritual … read more.

Mother’s Day of Peace

Service with our minister, Rev. Karen Brammer. “Arise, then, women of this day!” is the first line of the Mother’s Day Proclamation written by poet and social reformer, Julia Ward Howe (also writer of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic”). She published this proclamation, writes … read more.