Speaker: Melissa Barlett

Together – The Power of Community Service

No one person can get everything done, but, when we come together, our varied skills and interests build a community bigger than its parts. Hear from members of the congregation about what calls them to give back to our community and consider where your uniqueness … read more.

Winter Solstice service

As we experience the longest night of the year, it can feel like the sun may never return. This is why pagan rituals often included active ways to bring light into their lives and regain the energy that can feel lost in these darkest days. … read more.

Lughnasadh: A Pagan Ritual of Contrasts

Lughnasadh, the point halfway between Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox, is the beginning of the harvest season and the end of the summer. It is a celebration of Lugh the sun god, just at the point that his power is beginning to fade. We will … read more.

Informal Sunday morning gathering

Music and caroling with Melissa Barlett, plus healing stories led by Deb Faust. Perhaps you have a favorite carol, or a story about how you tamed the holiday blues. All are invited to sing and share.

No Day But Today

In the 1990s, the musical RENT spoke out about the LGBTQ+ community, the AIDS crisis, and finding connection when the world seems stacked against you. In this service, we explore the themes of RENT and what they still teach us today about community, hope, … read more.

Beltane: Crossing the Threshold

Beltane, or May Day, is the Great Wedding of the God and Goddess. It is a time for making connections and crossing over thresholds into something new. Join us in an Earth-centered, pagan style ritual to celebrate new life, new beginnings, and creating our own … read more.