Due to the pandemic, our building is open according to our reopening guidelines while our church is fully open online. We invite you to join us for worship via Zoom at 10:30 each Sunday morning. Sign in a few minutes early for casual conversation with everyone else who has already signed in – a welcoming bunch – and you are welcome to stay after the service for a social hour in random break-out groups. Long-time members and visitors alike enjoy getting to know new people in this way.

Most weeks, use the Zoom information below. However, sometimes we “visit” another congregation and use their Zoom link, which will be included in that week’s service description.We also live-stream most of our services directly to our Facebook Page, where they remain available for several hours after, and a few days later, recordings are added to our YouTube channel.

Join the interactive Zoom services at https://zoom.us/j/368701920?pwd=RDc3THNTTWowSzdkaU94bGQ2SnZIZz09
Meeting ID: 368 701 920, Password 548638
From your phone: 1-646-558-8656, ID: 368 701 920#, Password: 548 638#

Five Smooth Stones for Mother’s Day

Five Smooth Stones – a gift from one of our 20th century theologians, James  Luther Adams. Rev. Karen learned this perspective and theological notation from two of the most powerful UU mentors in her life, both women, both mothers. She will share why the Five Smooths Stones … read more.

The Chalice and the Flower

In a month our Unitarian Universalist Association will vote on whether to evolve once again our 7 (and for UUUtica, our 8) Principles. No matter the outcome of the vote, our faith will not lose the chalice, nor bury the principles. However, we may gain … read more.

UUUtica Social Justice Initiatives

Ken Drake questions whether or not the moral arc of the universe bends towards justice given that for every step forward, there are always two or more steps backwards.