Oppression in Any Form Damages Us All

 From cultural erasure and microagressions to legislative restrictions and racial violence, oppression has come in many forms in the United States. As Dr. King said, “a white moderate who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension” is the greatest threat to justice. Using historic, personal and pop culture examples of racism, Ms. Sinegal will walk the group through the uncomfortable work of being antiracist and how, through that uncomfort, we can work toward justice. 

Bio: Anasa D. Sinegal is the Director of Diversity and Engagement at Munson-Williams and ICAN. She is a native Californian who is new to New York and enjoys that her work is allowing her to meet so many new people in her new community. Ms. Sinegal has a background in journalism and studied media history and media criticism in graduate school. Her experiences in those areas shape the foundation for her equity, diversity and inclusion work since the press is the foremost PR machine for what a society values and gives prominence.
