Archives: Services

Climate Justice Revival

The Saturday before this service the Unitarian Universalist Church of Utica joins more than 350 other UU congregations in workshops and projects to heal climate in partnership with those most impacted by climate change. This Sunday service acknowledges how difficult the current reality is as … read more.

I Hear the Music in You

Music is integral to all of creation, and yet we tend to dismiss the music that doesn’t feed our personal needs. What are we missing? How do we listen to each other’s

Tolerate Intolerance?

Should we become so open minded that our brains fall out? Or assert our truth as The Truth and go to war with others? Are these our only options?

Rick Werner is the John Stewart Kennedy Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, Hamilton College where he taught for 43 years.

“We the People”

Unitarian Universalism sprang from ancient stirrings and deep desires for freedom of religion. September 8 is the start of a new church year as we celebrate this freedom and recommit ourselves to the responsibility of democracy within our faith and beyond. We come together with … read more.

Avoiding Worker Management Conflict

There actually are current successful labor/management relationships, in the US and worldwide. Ken will talk about those and look at possible present and future models to which we might aspire.

Church Picnic – at UUUtica

The Worship Committee has scheduled the church picnic for Sunday August 25th at 11:30 AM, rain or shine. There is a sign up sheet at church.  Contact Ken Drake at 703-423-9321 or at to volunteer. This starts at 11:30 AM.


Pilar will explore connections within ourselves, with others, with nature, and with the universe. Pilar will also lead a meditation session after coffee hour for those who desire to deepen their connections.

Lughnasadh: A Pagan Ritual of Contrasts

Lughnasadh, the point halfway between Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox, is the beginning of the harvest season and the end of the summer. It is a celebration of Lugh the sun god, just at the point that his power is beginning to fade. We will … read more.