Archives: Services

Resolutions service

Three generations of Unitarian Universalists share reflections on New Year’s memories and hopes – past, present, and future. With Jennifer Chard (Community UU Church of New York), Stephanie Markham, Asher Markham, and Jeff Chard.

Christmas Eve service

We celebrate Christmas tradition with traditional and contemporary music and readings. Please join us for this evening service!

Winter Solstice service

As we experience the longest night of the year, it can feel like the sun may never return. This is why pagan rituals often included active ways to bring light into their lives and regain the energy that can feel lost in these darkest days. … read more.

Oh, We Give Thanks

December 1, 10:30 AM: We join the First Universalist Church of Rochester for a a streaming service with their settled minister, Rev. Lane-Mairead Campbell. UUUtica will be open with the service on our large screen ,followed by our usual coffee hour.  Service will also be viewable via … read more.

Self-Care for the Ongoing Apocalypse

Times are tough, but so are we. Discover some tips for surviving the day when it feels like the world is ending.

Stephanie Markham is a second generation Unitarian Universalist, UUU Board member. and Librarian for Teen Services at Jervis Library in Rome.