A Celebration of Life service for Nancy Bender will be held at UUUtica on Saturday January 18 at 2 PM. A reception will immediately follow at the church. Our beloved friend and long time member, Nancy passed away on December 29 at the age of 87.
Folks are asked to bring fruit, desserts, and beverages such as lemonade and cider, for the reception after the service. Please let Debra Hagenbuch <dcfhag@aol.com> know if you are bringing something. We are requesting all food items to be at church no later than 1:15 Saturday so we can be set up prior to people arriving. We’ll also need people to help with cleanup after everything is over.
The January 18 Celebration of Life will also be online at https://zoom.us/j/368701920?pwd=RDc3THNTTWowSzdkaU94bGQ2SnZIZz09
Meeting ID: 368 701 920, Password 548638
From your phone: 1-646-558-8656, ID: 368 701 920#, Password: 548 638#
Nancy’s online obituary is here: Nancy K. Bender Obituary 2024 – Costello Funeral Service)