Soul Matters Small Group Ministry
Unitarian Universalist Church of Utica offers a lay-led small group ministry intended to give participants the opportunity to get to know others on a deeper level than the experiences of Sunday service, coffee hour and committee work. Soul Matters groups offer the gift of spiritual connection, an invitation to listen more deeply and intentionally, Listening is not passive. It’s hard work to listen with an open heart rather than an analyzing mind. It requires putting aside judgment, categorization, and evaluation and instead just hearing the story that is told and the feelings behind it.
Each group session has a theme and follows a semi-structured format which provides the opportunity to explore facets of spirituality with an individual’s personal truths, while honoring and respecting the truth of others’ lives. Small groups are great places to get to know other people and to get to know ourselves. Over time, participants build deep connections with one another, with the congregation and with the sacred.
Each group meets once a month in-person at the church, with an option for a group on Zoom. Participants receive a small group packet on the current monthly theme. Activities presented are designed to support Soul Matters’ unique approach to a small group experience and include spiritual exercises, questions that encourage reflection on daily living and pages of recommended resources that help participants explore the themes in more depth.
Please contact John Camilleri, Soul Matters Small Group Ministry Coordinator, at
for additional information.
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