Mission: The Communications Task Force of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Utica has as their purpose to support the church’s mission and growth through communications. We pursue this purpose by facilitating the internal and external communications to better connect the members/friends within our church and to build awareness in the community.
The Communications group is always available and eager to work with any individual or church committee to help publicize an upcoming public facing event or activity. The team is looking at ways it can expand publicity for the church and new ideas/suggestions are always welcome.
The Communications Task Force is involved with :
Weekly Newsletter “UU View”
Service reminders
Social Media
- Unitarian Universalist Church of Utica | Facebook
- uuutica (@uuutica) / Twitter
- Unitarian Universalist Church Utica – YouTube
Dissemination for events
Coordination with local publications
External advertising opportunities

Key documents for the Communications Task Force:
Newsletter Submission Guidelines
Jerry Reed –