Engaged Spirituality: Confessions of a Militant Mystic

We are planning an in-person, outdoor service, weather permitting. If  the weather looks bad, Rev. Gilbert will join us via zoom.

The Rev. Dr. Richard S. Gilbert retired in 2005 after serving 44 years in the Unitarian Universalist ministry in Cleveland, Ohio, Golden, Colorado, Ithaca, New York, and for 32 years at the First Unitarian Church of Rochester, New York. He received an M.Div. from St. Lawrence University Theological School, a D.Min. from Colgate Rochester Divinity School, and honorary doctorates from St. Lawrence University, Meadville Lombard Theological School, and Starr King School for the Ministry.

He is the author of the Building Your Own Theology adult religious education series, as well as three Skinner House Books: The Prophetic Imperative: Social Gospel in Theory and Practice, How Much Do We Deserve? An Inquiry in Distributive Justice, and In the Holy Quiet of This Hour, a book of meditations.
